Thursday, May 17, 2007

Our Baby Boy Has Moved Out

Ok! It is a great thing for him. Becoming independent, out from under mom and dad. It is really good. He can take care of himself. Then why do I worry? I guess that is part of being a mom. I know he is only a couple of blocks away but I will miss him. He is a great young man and is doing wonderful. I am very proud. Here is his empty room. Soon to house the computer and all our books. His kitty, Tiger, is ready to go home with his daddy. First I have to fill holes, clean, and paint. But what do I find on the floor? A bootie which was made for him while he was in hospital when he was just a wee one. Sigh..Ok will stop crying now. Hugs Charlie...and congratulations on your new digs. We LOVE YOU!!


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Sherri said...

It is never easy. Even when they move back in and out again, each time the heart strings are tugged again and again.
Then we feel guilty because at the same time we have more room, more freedom and less concern about who will be home for what meal, less to worry about in one way, more to worry about in another!'ve been a good mom and will continue to be one! :)

At 10:39 AM, Blogger LeiLani said...

Yea it's a bitter sweet thing kids flying the coop. But ain't life grand. I know you are going to miss him but you will be rewarded with other delights i am so very sure.


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