Saturday, May 05, 2007

Some what Done

I say this..some what done....because are we really ever done with our sewing room? OK, I still need to look at the tubbies full of fabric. Eventually they will be else where, perhaps in a cabinet. Hope to put one where the chair is. The green trunk will go in the library as soon as the library is vacant. Which should be just a week or two. I won't tell you about the heart wrenching tale of my sewing machine. UGH..the ole girl is probably going to have to go to the shop. SIGH... is nearly done. Painted, shelves on the walls, things put in place for the moment. You know you think you have it done but there is always a better idea that comes down the road. I have three projects, no make that 4 projects, three which need to be completed and the 4th which needs to be started. Bad me. are some pictures. Oh..and hubby bought me peg board which still needs to be hung, I also would like to have a thread holder for the wall to the right of my machine, and last but not least a chair.

OK that is it for today..Happy Happy Joy Joy. Thank you JOHN!!! and LeiLani and Sherri for giving me good advice and encouragement!


At 10:41 AM, Blogger Sherri said...

geesh! I go away for three days and you got ALL that work done!!! took me months to make the change in my studio! lol

I hope it isn't the Pfaff that went wonky on you?

Hugs dearie :)


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