Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Xander Day

It was a lovely day to spend it with one of my grandsons. Xander and I hung out while his mom, dad and big brother went to the movies.

Guest room

OK it does not have a bed yet but there are pictures on the walls. Still talking about what sort of bed we will get.

Library is done

OK, son moved out nearly 2 weeks ago. You saw the pictures! This past week we worked on the room. It has a fresh coat of paint, carpet cleaned, different curtains and well it is now our library.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ginger Jars

Here are the ginger jars with the last border this too will be sandwiched this weekend. This one was actually started this year, in fact started last Saturday and nearly done! Just need to sandwich and quilt.

Paris Flea Market Quilt

This was in the making for about 2 years, maybe more..lol

When I stopped sewing, I had ripped off the borders realizing it needed another smaller boarder. I was thinking back then to make it white, but decided on making it more scrappy. Now this weekend I hope to sandwich it with the help of my hubby. Really happy this one is nearly done.

Monday, May 21, 2007

TRAIN! the excitement of watching the train

What can I say!? Sean loves trains..LOOK at this face. This is pure excitement as he watches the train go by.

Finished Ray's Quilt

Yea it is done. I started this in February 06, I was dealing with so much pain that I could not continue sewing. So I took some time off, and now I do things slowly. YEA, I have finally finished grandson #3's quilt and he is not yet a year old. I feel good about that!

Asian Ginger Jar Quilt

Well it is nearly done. I just have to figure out what I am going to use for a boarder. Not sure if I have what I need..Then again..I think I have just thought of something. Anyway. Here is one of my very first projects since I am able to sew again. It was done with a friend, most of it this past Saturday. I have also nearly finished a baby quilt for Ray, just needs a label, going to do that next.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Field Day

It was a gorgeous day today to play outside. It was field day at John's school and Sean got to come and watch the activities. Here he is kicked back with a peanut butter and jam sandwich and a root beer. This is the life.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Our Baby Boy Has Moved Out

Ok! It is a great thing for him. Becoming independent, out from under mom and dad. It is really good. He can take care of himself. Then why do I worry? I guess that is part of being a mom. I know he is only a couple of blocks away but I will miss him. He is a great young man and is doing wonderful. I am very proud. Here is his empty room. Soon to house the computer and all our books. His kitty, Tiger, is ready to go home with his daddy. First I have to fill holes, clean, and paint. But what do I find on the floor? A bootie which was made for him while he was in hospital when he was just a wee one. Sigh..Ok will stop crying now. Hugs Charlie...and congratulations on your new digs. We LOVE YOU!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

and some more pictures..of this crazy bunch

A Bit of a Gathering

A friend of ours was in town after going through Tech School for the Air Force. His mom came as well and Fionna and her both fell in love..lol

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Lap Dog

Here if Fionna...she is such a lap dog. I was gone this evening and she was left with her Daddy and Brother, Charlie..as well as the two other 4 legged ones. Perhaps she missed me.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Some what Done

I say this..some what done....because are we really ever done with our sewing room? OK, I still need to look at the tubbies full of fabric. Eventually they will be else where, perhaps in a cabinet. Hope to put one where the chair is. The green trunk will go in the library as soon as the library is vacant. Which should be just a week or two. I won't tell you about the heart wrenching tale of my sewing machine. UGH..the ole girl is probably going to have to go to the shop. SIGH...

ANYWAY....it is nearly done. Painted, shelves on the walls, things put in place for the moment. You know you think you have it done but there is always a better idea that comes down the road. I have three projects, no make that 4 projects, three which need to be completed and the 4th which needs to be started. Bad me. OK..here are some pictures. Oh..and hubby bought me peg board which still needs to be hung, I also would like to have a thread holder for the wall to the right of my machine, and last but not least a chair.

OK that is it for today..Happy Happy Joy Joy. Thank you JOHN!!! and LeiLani and Sherri for giving me good advice and encouragement!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Nearly there

OK, maybe it does not look like we are nearly there. The room is painted and vacuumed. Most everything is in there. Yes, it still looks like a pit HOWEVER, it is not as bad as it seems. Tomorrow we will hang the shelves this will help a lot. We will then be able to finish putting things away. Drawers still need to gone through and organized. A peg board will come in sometime this month as well as a thread holder. So it is getting there, even if it is mostly in my mind.