Monday, November 26, 2007


FINALLY Halloween

We had a great time, it was good to have something to keep my mind off of my week. A great fire outside and too much food. Lots of great folks and really a nice time.

Zombie Walk

Charlie went to the zombie walk. This is what he looked like when he came by the house to show his makeup off. How crazy, sounds like he had fun.


Oh my gosh I did not realize how long it has been since I posted. Drama..well one drama maybe, Haji, my dearly loved puppy was put to sleep just before Halloween. I miss him horribly. He was my guy, my buddy, my little ole man. He had been with us for about 17 years. He came to me while my hubby was still overseas. He kept me company, not that our three children did not do a good job of that, but he was special he was my dog, my companion when the kids went to school. Anyway, he was faithful. I have missed him for a long time. For about 6 months he was not really with us I am not sure if he knew where he was. It was the hardest thing I had to ever do but I think he is happy for it. There is a quote I like and it goes like this: "If there is no heaven for dogs, then I want to go where they go when I die." Any way here are a few pictures of my little buddy right before he passed. Suki was always concerned about him.