Wednesday, June 18, 2008

wow too many months

I guess It is time that I did something here. Have been busy gardening, knitting and lots of other things. Here is a picture of one of our first gardenia flowers which hubby raised from a twig. The gardenia plant that is.
Life has been crazy but it also has been good. Hope to keep more in touch. Our camera no longer works so I will have to take an occasional picture with my phone. This was taken with my phone. Not too bad I guess.

Monday, November 26, 2007


FINALLY Halloween

We had a great time, it was good to have something to keep my mind off of my week. A great fire outside and too much food. Lots of great folks and really a nice time.

Zombie Walk

Charlie went to the zombie walk. This is what he looked like when he came by the house to show his makeup off. How crazy, sounds like he had fun.


Oh my gosh I did not realize how long it has been since I posted. Drama..well one drama maybe, Haji, my dearly loved puppy was put to sleep just before Halloween. I miss him horribly. He was my guy, my buddy, my little ole man. He had been with us for about 17 years. He came to me while my hubby was still overseas. He kept me company, not that our three children did not do a good job of that, but he was special he was my dog, my companion when the kids went to school. Anyway, he was faithful. I have missed him for a long time. For about 6 months he was not really with us I am not sure if he knew where he was. It was the hardest thing I had to ever do but I think he is happy for it. There is a quote I like and it goes like this: "If there is no heaven for dogs, then I want to go where they go when I die." Any way here are a few pictures of my little buddy right before he passed. Suki was always concerned about him.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Spider Web

Hubby went to school yesterday and found this gorgeous spider web. It sounds as if he showed it to the kids because as I talked to him on the phone this morning I could hear the kids asking where it was. He very carefully told them she took it down and moved it. They were cute asking how and all and he patiently answered them as I patiently waited. He is surely good at what he does.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Ray and his first ice cream cone

OK, I have been there for all three of my grand kids and their first ice cream cone. Sadly each time I have only had my camera phone. This last one was this past Thursday. Our oldest 5th wedding anniversary and we had their two children stay overnight. Alicia and Ray visited with us and we all had dinner together. It has been a long time since John and I fed little ones on our own. After dinner Alicia suggested that we go and get ice cream at McDonald's and it is just a good stretch of the legs, 5 miles total. 3 children, 1 puppy, oh you are kidding. She was not and she went home to collect a sling to carry one of the little guys in. So Xander in a sling, Ray in a stroller, Sean on Uncle's shoulders for most of the trip, and Fionna on a leash we all headed for McDonald's. It was the perfect weather, a very nice walk indeed. We got there just as the sun slipped below the horizon hence why the pic of the little man is soo dark. It was lots of fun sitting on the grass enjoying a 3 point ice cream. Here is Ray, as you can see he has an interesting way of eating a cone. I wish I got more pictures of the crew walking together. Patrick showed up after his night class and drove Ray and Alicia to the house. Really one way carrying a baby in a sling is enough for any super human and we put Xander in the stroller and off we headed back home to meet up with the rest. A nice evening indeed!

Silly Dog

Silly dog, getting herself between our bed and her bed.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Busy weekend. Monday was by far the best part of it. All the kiddo's came over with their kiddo's. They have such a fascination with my spinning wheel. All so cute

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Oue Little Dog

Fionna just thinks she is such a little thing as she snuggles down in the chair. Took these with my phone. Not great quality but you get the idea. Silly puppy.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Frogs in the pond

OH MY GOSH, we have tons of frogs in the pond. For being such a small pond there are a lot.